Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chinese Woman in 1900's

The revolution affected ''the lowest of low'' chinese woman. Due to the fact that money was so low, husbands then offered their wives or daughters to strangers to keep their family from starvation. The woman in the factories had it a little better, even though they were still beaten and locked up if they were to make a mistake. In the 1900's Chinese men also felt they were higher then woman and for ages men were always the most educated with jobs while the woman do the house work. China needed money and power,and the best thing for them were to use all of their woman and families on the farms to accumulate wealth. Most land owners had more then one wife, what could be worse then having your own personal pleasure and gaining labor and power. Chiang Chi-Sheck the ruler at the time was headed downhill when the communist and supporters of the women's revolt began to step in and help set up associations and help with assisting these woman in their years of struggle. In the revolution of 1925-27 unions were formed for woman, there was a rise in bobbed headed girls and it was the setting stone for all the woman who had died before them. In the reaction over 1,000 woman were killed and if you were to have bobbed hair you were then executed. The revolution and reaction shows just how important woman are to china and they felt if death was necessary for them to grow then it was worth it.

“‘Is it right for you to treat me like this? There is much that I could say. If I should speak, all these women would beat you to death.’
Gold Flower- Norch China Village girl, became so upset about the way she was treated she wanted to commit suicide.